St. Mark’s Lodge, No 44 F.&A.M.
A Charter was granted to St. Mark’s Lodge on June 14th, 1826. The first meeting was held June 22nd, 1826, above James Thom’s grocery store in East Derry, which at that time was still part of Londonderry.
The Charter was forfeited and there were no meetings of the Lodge between May 1843 and September 1865.
The Charter was restored in 1865, and St. Mark’s met at Charles Parker’s hall in East Derry. In 1875, the Lodge moved to the Association Hall in Derry Village.
In 1924, St. Mark’s moved to the present Masonic Temple at 58 East Broadway in Derry, formerly the home of Dr. Charles Newell. The Lodge spent $40,000 renovating the building, adding the Lodge Room, Banquet Hall, and colonnaded front porch. The cornerstone ceremony was held July 8th, 1924, and the building was dedicated the following December. Regular meetings have been held there ever since.
St. Mark’s meets on the 3rd Monday of the month at 7:30pm, except for July and August.